
Touchosc Ableton Mac

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  3. Touchosc Ableton Mac Free
  4. Touchosc Ableton Mac Free
  • Jul 07, 2018  The TouchOSC system can send commands to Ableton to start and stop songs during the church service. As you can see the TouchOSC iPad has a custom interface designed for the Keys Vineyard Church which can start and stop various songs easily.
  • Sep 02, 2019  The TouchOSC device allows you to map any controller from any available TouchOSC layout to Live elements, so as to control them remotely with your iPad or iPhone. For the communication between Live and TouchOSC the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol is used. You can find detailed documentation on TouchOSC here.
  • TouchOSC: Next Generation DJ Interface Join the hundreds of World Class DJ's and producers using TouchOSC templates and layouts to create original tracks and seamlessly blend DJ sets with live remixing.
  • TouchOSC supports USB MIDI and you can also use an adhoc wireless network connection directly between your mac and the ipad even without a regular wifi connection. As for size, you can always make multiple pages for your TouchOSC template which would leave more room for enlarging your controls.

Ali Jamieson. TouchOSC is an app that allows control of our DAWs from our iOS device such as an iPad or iPhone via MIDI or OSC messages. It comes with preset interfaces for Ableton Live and Logic as well as having the functionality to design your own. The website’s documentation is fairly comprehensive but is quite long. Mar 11, 2020  The OSC data from TouchOSC can be used in software capable of receiving OSC messages, such as MaxMSP or Processing, or you can parse the OSC data to MIDI and then on to any MIDI controllable software such as Ableton Live. To translate the OSC to MIDI on a Mac I highly recommend you check out OSCulator.

Introduction: TouchOSC Controlling Ableton Live in OSX

I want to control Ableton Live with TouchOSC on my iPad. Live is running on OSX. At first this turned out to be problematic. But it’s all working now. Basically, what I needed for this particular setup was the legacy version of LiveControl.

Touchosc Templates

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Step 1: Install LiveControl_TO (the Legacy Version)

You install it on your machine by dragging the downloaded application to your Application folder (or wherever you like). I used revision 141.

Step 2: LiveControl Installer

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The LiveControl InstallerAbleton live 7 le download. installs certain scripts in your Ableton Live setup. You have to show it where Live is located on your harddrive. It might look creepy to install stuff into Ableton Live, but since Live is an OSX package, you can sneak around in it and see what LiveControl adds to it (see image). If OSX doesn't allow you to install via double clicking the LiveControl Instal program, right click (or control left click) the installer and choose 'Open'.

Step 3: Start LiveControl

Just doubleclick it. this is the Grid like icon you most probably just dragged to your Applications folder. Again, if OSX refuses to do this, right click (or control left click) the application and choose 'Open'. A dialog opens as shown in the above image. It doesn't yet show all the things connected as in my example picture.

Step 4:

Touchosc Ableton Mac Free

I used “from LiveControl 1″ as MIDI Port. At first there may not be a Connected Device, but that’s because you have to configure TouchOSC first.

Step 5: Configure TouchOSC on Your IPad

As a Layout, choose LiveControl iPad. It's one of your default TouchOSC layouts. Do know you can tweak it and upload an altered version to your iPad using the free TouchOSC OSX editor. For connections, enable OSC (Open Sound Control) and enter the local IP address of your Mac running Ableton Live in the Host option. The actual local IP address of your iPad is given dynamically to your iPad by your network and you can leave it as is. Your IP addresses are probably not the same as the addresses you see in the image. Run ifconfig in the OSX Terminal to figure out your Mac's local IP address. It probably looks something like 192.168.something.something. Leave the OSC ports to the defaults of 5000 and 5001. When TouchOSC has seen LiveControl (i.e. after you've entered the local IP address of your Mac into TouchOSC), you will be able to select your iPad in the Connected Device in LiveControl (see above).

Step 6: Configure Ableton Live

LiveControl TO should now be an option in the Control Surface drop down control in your Ableton Live preferences. If you have configured all the ports correctly (5000 and 5001, see above) there should now be bidirectional communication between TouchOSC and Ableton Live. Have fun!

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Touchosc Ableton Mac Free

Hi Everyone,
I have been using TouchOSC to control Ableton and it's amazing to be able to make your own controller. My issues are that the iPad screen is way too small and I don't always have Wi-fi. Is there a similar program for Mac OS where you can setup a GUI of faders and xy's and then have the GUI send midi notes to Ableton (probably using the Mac IAC driver or MIDI Yoke) for mapping? Essentially, I want to have a big touch-screen second monitor that has this GUI full-screen and I can do all my faders w/ that.
Any thoughts? I know Max has all these capabilities, but I heard there's a lot of coding involved. I imagine someone must have made a program where you can drag n drop faders, knobs etc..